This program was written by: Wade Warren Starving College Student 1815 North Boomer I-42 Stillwater, OK 74075 I'm up to version 2.02 now so here it is. Use this knowledge wisely! SEND DONATIONS!! If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for improvements you can e-mail me on CompuServe at address 71232,532. There is a listing of new features in this new version 2.02 of FM-Reset listed below! These files may be freely distributed without any obligation to the author. All I ask is that you distribute all three files together, unchanged and unmodified. If you can find it in your heart to send a donation I would be eternally grateful and much happier eating something other than RAMAN Noodles this month! This file was originally intended for OS/2 2.x Users who need an easy way to reset the FM-Chip on the Sound Blaster Card that could not be accomplished by the SBFMDRV.COM file. OS/2 seemed to be unaffected by the SBFMDRV file. The only way to adaquetly reset the FM Chip was to run the Sound Blaster Test Program (run the 4-Operator test first and then the 2-Operator test) or play a MIDI file. This file is intended to provide a simple way to accomplish this feat without making the user jump through hoops to get there. This program will also work on DOS based computers that are experiencing the same symptoms. LIST OF NEW and IMPROVED FEATURES in Version 2.02 1. Added error code returns for invalid environment settings and incorrect location of FMRESET.MID file. 2. Added environment string reporting and listing of current I/O Address, Interrupt Setting, DMA Setting, HDMA Setting (For SB16 cards ONLY!), MIDI Port Setting (For SB16 cards ONLY!), and the card Type designated as the "T" parameter. 3. Returns Good Reset message after a good complete reset of the Sound Blaster card. 4. Fixed problem with version 2.01 returning "Incorrect DOS version" The FM-Reset program was still functioning correctly, it was just making a call that is not supported under the DOS Session in OS/2. This zip contains three files: FMRESET2.COM (Executable) FMRESET.MID (Blank MIDI Header to reset FM Chip on SB16\SBPro1\SBPro2\SB1.x\SB2.0) FMRESET2.TXT (This Text File) 1) Copy FMRESET2.COM to the Sound Balster directory or some other directory in the path statement so you may run it from any directory on the hard drive. 2) Copy FMRESET.MID to the Sound Blaster directory. This file MUST be in the Sound Blaster directory.